Why choose Twenty11

Pattern circle


We want our rents to be truly affordable

When you first apply for one of our homes, we’ll ask you to provide information about your household and your household's income, so that if we offer you a home we can set a rent based on what is affordable for you. The rent is then set for the duration of your tenancy, and we’ll review this at the start of the next tenancy, or if there’s an exceptional change to your circumstances.

"Cannot believe it has been almost a year since we have lived here. We are so settled here and absolutely love the flat."

You can use our rent calculator to see what rent you might pay for a home with us.

Someone using a calculator to work out their finances


Realising your potential

We have a team of Realising Potential Specialists who provide a solutions-focused approach to life coaching, helping our customers to think about not only their own futures, but also those of their entire household.

We support our customers in mapping out their pathways to get there - we call these Personal Success Plans.

"I'm so happy because after setting up my Personal Success Plan... It helps people to achieve things they normally wouldn't be able to do."

We also know that sometimes a financial helping hand is needed, and that's why we have our Aspiration Pot. Our customers can apply for financial help to help them achieve their plan, whether that be a training course, travel costs, or an interview suit – it’s there to help make the dreams a reality.

Find out more about our Realising Potential Approach.

Someone celebrating success


Our communities

We're not just about individuals and homes, we care about the whole community. A strong, thriving and resilient community helps everyone feel safe and happy.

"The sense of community here is so important to us because we are a family. We feel valued with Twenty11 and I wanted to say how much we value and appreciate everyone's help."

We support volunteering and help you find opportunities to be active in your community. We also give positive points on your Tenancy Sustainment Licence for those who help others through volunteering.

To find out more about volunteering or if you have an event you want us to support, please get in touch.


Our partners

We link in with our network of local partners to help our tenants realise their potential through our Personal Success Plans. For example, they can offer support with:

  • employment
  • training
  • physical wellbeing
  • mental wellbeing
  • financial advice and support
  • skills development.


Tenancy Sustainment Licence (TSL)

Our Tenancy Sustainment Licence underpins our approach and is designed to support tenants within their tenancies. All our tenants have one, and this is linked to their tenancy agreement. It encourages them to contribute to the community and keep to the terms of their tenancy agreement. Points are awarded for everything from paying rent to giving access for your gas safety check. Points are deducted when someone doesn’t keep to the terms of their tenancy, for example by causing a nuisance or not paying rent. The points a tenant gains (or loses) during their tenancy will help decide if a further tenancy will be granted, and whether a tenant might be able to access further benefits.


Digital by default

Another key feature of our offer is that we are a digital first organisation. This is built into our service offer from the point of initial registration all the way through a tenancy. Once you register with us on our portal, you’ll watch some short videos about our service offer. This is an opportunity for you to really understand what we can offer you.

Once you become a tenant, we’ll talk to you mostly through the portal, as well as by email, social media and video calls. Through the portal you can keep in contact with your Realising Potential Specialist about your Personal Success Plan, report repairs or antisocial behaviour, and view your Tenancy Sustainment Licence.



If this sounds like something you want to be part of, apply for one of our homes.

Your questions answered

Q: Is Twenty11 a housing association?
A: No - Twenty11 is a private housing company and not a housing association. It's important to understand what makes our Twenty11 tenancy different to a housing association tenancy and for you to make sure its’s right for you - so here's a list of the differences:

  Twenty11Housing associations
Mutual Exchange X
Succession X
Right to Acquire X
Right to Repair X
Right to compensation for home improvements X
Realising Potential Programme X
Access to funding to support your Personal Success Plan X
Tenancy Sustainment Licence  X
Discounted Rent X (social rents)
Communication channel Digital First Multiple channels
Level of protection against eviction Low High
Length of tenancy Up to 5 years 5 years


Q: Does Twenty11 offer social housing/social rents?
A: No - we do not offer social rents.

Q: Could I ever be charged market rent? What if my circumstances change?
A: Yes - when your tenancy is due for renewal we conduct an affordability assessment. We ask for details of your earned income and/or benefits. If your total household income indicates a discounted rent that exceeds 80% of market rent, then you will be offered a new tenancy at market rent.

Q: Do you charge affordable rent?
A: No - we offer a system of personalised rents based on the tenant’s total household income and the current market rent value of the home. For further details, please look at our Rent Setting Policy.

Q: How often will my rent be reviewed?
A: We review your rent at the end of your tenancy in order to offer a new tenancy at a new rent; we also review all our rents at the start of each financial year in April. Depending on when your tenancy began, these two reviews may take place close together.

Q: What happens if I can no longer afford the rent?
A: If you’ve had a change in circumstances - such as losing your job and having to claim benefits - please contact us and we will reassess your rent. We will also direct you for advice and support with paying your rent, whether that's Universal Credit, or an application for Exceptional Discounted Rent via our Rent Setting Policy.

Take a look at our Financial support and help and Money and debt advice pages for sources of help and advice if you're struggling financially.

Q: How does my rent compare with that of a housing association tenant in a similar property?
A: A direct comparison is not applicable. Housing associations offer social rents, which are set in accordance with government formulas and regulated by the Regulator of Social Housing. Twenty11 offers personalised rents based on an individual household's circumstances, and is not regulated in the same way.

Q: Will you maintain my home?
A: Yes - Twenty11 is responsible for repairs and maintenance of your home. Further details of what we are responsible for are detailed in the tenancy agreement.

Q: Will I be offered a renewal for more than two years if I have collected enough positive Tenancy Sustainment Licence points?
A: Yes - we use the total number of Tenancy Sustainment Licence points to determine the length of fixed term tenancy you will be offered:

  • 80-95 points - you will be offered a one-year tenancy
  • 100-145 points - you will be offered a two-year tenancy
  • 150-165 points - you will be offered a three-year tenancy

If you are achieving a licence score with no negative points, you may be offered a longer length of tenancy!

Q: Is Twenty11 a private landlord?
A: Yes - Twenty11 is a wholly-owned charitable housing company of Red Kite Community Housing. It is the first true example of a new organisation borne from the freedoms stemming from the deregulation measures introduced through the Housing and Planning Act 2016. In effect this means that Twenty11 operates along the exact same charitable lines as a housing association and has the same objectives and social purpose, but it is not a regulated entity; instead it is a registered society under the Cooperative and Community Benefits Act 2014 and this allows us to develop tailor-made solutions for our tenants.

Q: Can I still use HomeSwapper if I am a Twenty11 tenant?
A: No - our starter and fixed-term tenancies do not allow mutual exchanges.

Q: Are waiting times for Twenty11 homes shorter than for a housing association?
A: No - in fact they are longer, as we have a legal process to undertake when homes transfer to Twenty11, and this can take around three months.