63 awards of positive TSL points during October

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63 awards of positive TSL points during October

Here at Twenty11 we’re all about creating an innovative tenancy that works for our tenants.

When someone signs up as a Twenty11 tenant, we give them a Tenancy Sustainment Licence (TSL), which is designed to support tenants within their tenancies.

They can also get positive points for being a great tenant, looking after their home, and going the extra mile by helping the community. If they keep to the terms of their tenancy agreement, we'll look to automatically renew their tenancy. If they achieve a high level of positive points, this will contribute to a longer tenancy being granted.

During October, 63 awards of positive points were made, and the points added to tenants' Tenancy Sustainment Licences.

These were awarded for things such as starting and completing a Personal Success Plan, having contents insurance, and for keeping in contact with us digitally.

Kirsty, who is our Tenancy Specialist and coordinates the points system, said:

“It's fantastic to see how many of our tenants are really keen to gain positive points. We often get messages telling us about the great things our tenants have done, and that they're excited to get their positive points added on. They're able to see these points accruing on their licences via their portals, and this acts as an incentive to keep gaining more.

“Many of the positive points have been gained through setting up and completing Personal Success Plans, and as a team we’re always so proud to see what our tenants have achieved. The plans include things such as learning to drive, creating illustrations for a book, presenting projects to children, and starting their own businesses.

“We also have many tenants volunteering across the community in various roles, supporting others and enjoying making a difference – which is so great to see!

“There are many other ways to gain positive points, and we actively encourage our tenants to communicate and work with us so that we can help them to achieve as many points as possible to gain a longer tenancy.”

Read more about Tenancy Sustainment Licence points.

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